Financial literacy must begin at home and at institutions of learning

Across the African continent, several countries are increasingly turning their attention to the need to mobilise domestic resources for economic transformation, infrastructure development, achieve fiscal stability and reduce reliance on external financing. According to a 2021 report by EFG Hermes, Kenya’s savings rate – calculated as the difference between income and consumption, expressed as a …

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Why TVET is a Game-Changer for Kenya

The Devaluing of so-called Blue Collar work is a mentality borne out of a contorted notion of education’s function in the society. One which prioritizes examinations and assessment scores over comprehensive learning of diverse disciplines. Further to this, the perceptions of boring old machines, dirty greasy overalls and smoke-filled factories have been sustained over time …

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What enforcement of NSSF Act, 2013 means for employers

The Court of Appeal delivered its decision on the enactment of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Act 2013 on February 3, declaring it legal and constitutional and ending a prolonged legal battle that started in 2014. This paves way for its implementation that will result in a significant increase in NSSF contributions by employers …

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Pension fund Cbus quits Mark Carney’s green alliance

London | Pension fund Cbus and Austrian pensions firm Bundespensionskasse have become the first institutions to leave a financial alliance on tackling climate change spearheaded by former Bank Of England governor Mark Carney. Australia’s Cbus left the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance recently to focus on “internal climate change activities”, while Bundespensionskasse exited the Paris Aligned Asset Owners group last …

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What changes to the pensions charge cap mean for you

With markets rattled after Friday’s mini-Budget, you may not have noticed chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s move to raise the pensions charge cap. What is the pensions charge cap? The pensions charge cap – currently 0.75% – is set by the government and is a limit on how much savers into defined-contribution (DC) pensions can be charged in their scheme’s default funds.  Most …

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Managing Your Personal Finances

Everyone wants the comfort of having not to worry about financial responsibilities like rent and school fees. This can only be achieved through proper management of finances. Corporate Finance Institute defines personal finance as the process of planning and managing personal financial activities such as income generation, spending, saving, investing and protection. Being able to …

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