IPM Application Form Section 1: PERSONAL DETAILSName(Required) First Middle Last Date of Birth(Required) YYYY dash MM dash DD Gender(Required) Male Female ID No./ Passport No.(Required) COUNTY:(Required) PLACE OF RESIDENCE P.O. BOX:(Required) POSTAL CODE:(Required) TOWN:(Required) CELLPHONE:(Required) Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email SECTION II: PREFERED COURSE & STUDY HOURSSELECT COURSE(Required)Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP)Certified Secretaries (CS)Certified Public Accountant (CPA)Certified Pension Manager (CPM)Certificate in Pension AdministrationTrust Secretary CertificateCertificate in Pension Fund InvestmentCertificate in Custody of Pension AssetsCertificate in Pension Audit & AccountingDiploma in Business Management-KNECDiploma in Business Management-CDACCDiploma in Human Resource Management-KNECDiploma in Sales and Marketing-KNECDiploma in Banking and Finance-KNECDiploma in Supply Chain Management-KNECAccounting Technicians Diploma (ATD)-KASNEBCertificate in Business Management-KNECCertificate in Business Management-CDACCCertificate in Human Resource Management-KNECCertificate in Sales and Marketing-KNECCertificate in Banking and Finance-KNECCertificate in Supply Chain Management-KNECCertificate in Accounting & Management Skills-KASNEBArtisan in SalesmanshipCHRP OPTIONSPART 1 - LEVEL 1PART 1 - LEVEL 2PART 2 - LEVEL 3PART 2 - LEVEL 4PART 3 - LEVEL 5PART 3 - LEVEL 6CPM OPTIONSLEVEL 1 - SECTION 1LEVEL 1 - SECTION 2LEVEL 2 - SECTION 3LEVEL 2 - SECTION 4LEVEL 3 - SECTION 5LEVEL 3 - SECTION 6LEVEL 4 - SECTION 7LEVEL 4 - SECTION 8MODE OF STUDY:(Required) EARLY MORNING FULL TIME PART TIME COMBINATION SATURDAY SUNDAY ODeL (Open, Distance, & E-learning) INTAKE:(Required) JANUARY MARCH JUNE JULY SEPTEMBER SECTION III: ACADEMIC PROFILEAcademic Details(Required)School/CollegeFromToCertficate awarded/Grade Add Removeclick "+" to add more detailsSECTION IV: NEXT OF KINName(Required) First Middle Last Relationship(Required) Phone(Required)Address(Required) Email SECTION V: DECLARATIONConfirmation(Required) I hereby declare that the information given in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledgeCONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCEPay a Non –refundable application fee for the course chosen (Attach bankslip)Attach certified copies of Relevant Academic Certificates, copies of your National ID/ Passport and affix two passport size photo above with your names clearly written at the back. NB: No. of Copies to be attached/Course is found in individual course brochures or enquire from the Institute.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.